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Android Android 4.4
Disks : 1 CD
Platform : Android
Architecture : x86
Price Rs. : 14.99

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Android 4.4 Live Installable CD for Intel Compatible PCs The 4.4 release is based on the Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich branch). We have fixed and added x86 specified code to let the system runs smoothly on x86 platforms. Kernel 3.0.36 with KMS enabled. Most netbooks can run Android-x86 in the native resolution. OpenGL hardware acceleration for Intel and AMD Radeon chipsets. You may disable it by adding HWACCEL=0 to the cmdline if you have trouble to enable it. Support Multi-touch, Wifi, Audio, Bluetooth, G-sensor, Camera and some 3G modems. Support Ethernet (DHCP only). Enable Dalvik JIT compiler and ARM translator. Simulate sdcard by internal storage. Note fake sdcard is no longer supported. Physical keyboard layout selection. Enable v8 javascript engine, ~ 10x faster than old jsc engine. Enable chrome http stack to suppoer media streaming. Experimental support of Renderscript. External usb drive and sdcard are auto mounted to /mnt/USB on plugging. Support hybrid mode of iso images. A text based GUI installer which supports ext3/ext2/ntfs/fat32 filesystems. Compressed filesystem (squashfs). Please note: Included installer should be viewed as beta quality and may not provide functional installs on some systems.
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