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Edubuntu Edubuntu 13.04
Disks : 1 DVD
Platform : Gnome
Architecture : x86
Price Rs. : 34.99

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Product DescriptionrnUbuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.rnrnWeb appsrnIf you use web applications like Facebook, Gmail or Flickr, you�re in for a treat. You can now pin them to the Launcher on the Ubuntu desktop, so you can launch them with a single click. No more starting a browser, clicking on a bookmark and then logging in. Just go straight into the app, as if it was installed on your computer.rnrnOnline searchrnIn Ubuntu, the Dash has always let you search your computer for your files, photos and videos. But now it does more than just search your computer - it can search all your online accounts too. So, once you�ve saved the login details in the �Online Accounts� function, you can expect to see your Flickr photos, Google Drive documents and more in your search results, alongside the files on your computer.rnrnDash previewsrnUbuntu aims to take the effort out of everything. Now, you can preview your search results in the Dash to see more options, without having to open more windows. Preview an album in the Ubuntu One Music Store and you�ll get the option to play tracks straight from the preview. And when you preview an app in the Ubuntu Software Centre, you can install it with just one more click.rnrnSecurernYou can surf in safety with Ubuntu � confident that your files and data will stay protected. A built-in firewall and virus protection come as standard. And if a potential threat appears, we provide automatic updates which you can install in a single click. You get added security with AppArmor, which protects your important applications so attackers can�t access your system. And thanks to Firefox and gnome-keyring, Ubuntu helps you keep your private information private. So whether it�s accessing your bank account or sharing sensitive data with friends or colleagues, you�ll have peace of mind when you need it the most.rnrn Automatic security updatesrn Defence against virusesrn Anti-phishingrn File encryptionrn Password protectionrn Built with security in mind rnrnCompatiblernUbuntu works brilliantly with a range of devices. Simply plug in your MP3 player, camera or printer and you�ll be up and running straight away. No installation CDs. No fuss. And it�s compatible with Windows too! So you can open, edit and share Microsoft Office documents stress-free.rnrnFastrnUbuntu loads quickly on any computer, but it's super-fast on newer machines. With no unnecessary programs and trial software slowing things down, booting up and opening a browser takes seconds. Unlike other operating systems that leave you staring at the screen, waiting to get online. And Ubuntu won�t grow sluggish over time. It�s fast. And it stays fast.rnrnAccessiblernAccessibility is central to the Ubuntu philosophy. We believe that computing is for everyone regardless of nationality, race, gender or disability. Fully translated into 40 languages, Ubuntu also includes essential assistive technologies, which are, of course, completely free.
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