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OpenSuse OpenSuse 42.3
Disks : 1 DVD
Platform : KDE
Architecture : x64
Price Rs. : 34.99

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openSUSE Leap is a brand new way of building openSUSE and is new type of hybrid Linux distribution. Leap uses source from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), which gives Leap a level of stability unmatched by other Linux distributions, and combines that with community developments to give users, developers and sysadmins the best stable Linux experience available. Contributor and enterprise efforts for Leap bridge a gap between matured packages and newer packages found in openSUSE’s other distribution Tumbleweed. The first release of Leap was November 4, 2015, with the release of openSUSE Leap 42.1. The second release of openSUSE Leap, 42.2, was released November 16, 2016. Leap will have minor releases and users are expected to upgrade to the latest minor release within 6 months of its availability, leading to a life cycle of 18 months of maintenance and security updates per minor release. The 42 series of Leap is expected to achieve an estimated 36 months of maintenance and security updates.
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